Welcome to Selena’s API documentation

Date:October 20, 2014

Selena API Documentation

Selena module

The main module for the selena emulation control.


Exits the program return 1 as error status and printing a message.

Parameters:message – The message to print to standard output before exiting Selena
class Selena.Selena(selena_config, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This is the main Selena Class


Make a first pass of the pool to extract VMs with exact name matches (reuse VMs from previous scenario runs) :param pScenario: The name of the scenario

generateVmConfig(pNode, pScenarioName)

Create a VM configuration based on the details of a scenario Node. This configuration is ready to be consumed by XAPI :param pNode: The node object of the scenario :param pScenarioName: The scenario object :return: The new VM configuration in the form of a dictionary

getVmFromPool_byName(pVmName, pType)

Try to Retrieve a VM from the VMs pool with the specified label-name (left from previous emulation runs) All VMs in pool have the scenario’s name in their description-name meta-info (distinct from the name-label) :param pVmName: The name of the Vm that we wish to retrieve :param pType: The type of the VM which determines the sub-pool in which Selena will search for a matching VM :return: The index in the pools and the VM object if a matching VM is found, (None, None) otherwise


A recursive class tracker.

Parameters:kls – A string that contains a path to a class in dotted format
Returns:The Class object
haltVM(pRef, pForce=False)

Stops the specified VM :param pRef: the OpaqueRef for the VM to be shut down :param pForce: Force shutdown, do not wait for the VM to exit gracefully (boolean type) :return: True if the VM is shut-down successfully, False otherwise


Initialize the pool with the Xen server networks. It obtains a list of the networks that are currently installed on the Xen server and based on their name-description meta-info it checks if they belong to the specified scenario and allocates them to the networks pool. Networks added in the pool are reused across emulations. :param pScenario: The name of the scenario for which we are initializing the pool :return:

initXenVmPool(pScenarioName, pDoShutdown=True)

Initializes the pool with the VMs. It obtains a list of the VMs that are currently installed on the Xen server and based on their name-description meta-info it checks if they belong to the specified scenario and also infers their template type and allocates them to the correct sub-pool. VMs added in the pool are reused across emulations. :param pScenarioName: The name of the scenario for which we are initializing the pool :param pDoShutdown: If True it will shut down each VM before adding it to the pool.


Creates an instance of the specified scenario and initializes it by calling instance’s method initScenario()

Parameters:pScenarioClassName – The name (or path) of the scenario module and/or class.
Returns:The new instance of the scenario
reuseVM(pNode, pVmRef, pScenarioName)

Reuse a VM from the scenario’s VM pool. Update the node meta-info with the VM’s details. :param pNode: The scenario’s node object that we wish to update with the matching VM’s details :param pVmRef: The OpaqueRef of the VM to be reused :param pScenarioName: The name of the scenario

This method instructs Selena to create the VMs and virtual networks
necessary to execute the specified scenario.
Parameters:pScenarioName – The module and/or class name of the scenario description
Returns:True if all VMs and network are created successfully, False otherwise

This method instructs Selena to halt all the VMs which are related to the specified scenario. It is assumed that the scenario has been previously installed.

Parameters:pScenarioName – The module and/or class name of the scenario description
Returns:True if all VMs and network are stopped successfully, False otherwise

This method instructs Selena to start the VMs of the specified scenario. It is assumed that the scenario has been previously installed.

Parameters:pScenarioName – The module and/or class name of the scenario description
Returns:True if all VMs and network are created successfully, False otherwise
This method instructs Selena to halt and destroy the VMs and virtual networks
which are related to the specified scenario.
Parameters:pScenarioName – The module and/or class name of the scenario description
Returns:True if all VMs and network are destroyed successfully, False otherwise

Stops all the VMs that are currently in running state on the Xen server :param pForce: Force shutdown, do not wait for VMs to exit gracefully (boolean type)

class SelenaLogger.SelenaLogger

Bases: logging.Logger, object

This is the main Selena logger Class


Sets the logging level for the logger itself and for all its handlers.

Parameters:pLevel – The request logging level
class Scenario.Scenario

Bases: object


class XcpManager.XcpManager(pUrl='localhost', pUserName='root', pPasswd='root')

Bases: object


Singleton module

This is a helper module, used to implement the Singleton pattern (the python way).

class Singleton.Singleton(name, bases, dict_)

Singleton class

Class necessary to implement the Singleton pattern. Taken from StackOverflow

Intended to be used as a __metaclass_ param, as shown for the class below.

Indices and tables